Dataset之Handwritten Digits:Handwritten Digits(手写数字图片识别)数据集简介、安装、使用方法之详细攻略

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Dataset之Handwritten Digits:Handwritten Digits(手写数字图片识别)数据集简介、安装、使用方法之详细攻略


Handwritten Digits数据集的简介

Handwritten Digits数据集的安装

Handwritten Digits数据集的使用方法


Handwritten Digits数据集的简介


       We used preprocessing programs made available by NIST to extract normalized bitmaps of handwritten digits from a preprinted form. From  a total of 43 people, 30 contributed to the training set and different  13 to the test set. 32x32 bitmaps are divided into nonoverlapping   blocks of 4x4 and the number of on pixels are counted in each block.  This generates an input matrix of 8x8 where each element is an   integer in the range 0..16. This reduces dimensionality and gives   invariance to small distortions.


Number of Instances:   optdigits.tra Training 3823  optdigits.tes Testing  1797    The way we used the dataset was to use half of training for   actual training, one-fourth for validation and one-fourth  for writer-dependent testing. The test set was used for   writer-independent testing and is the actual quality measure.

optdigits.tra  训练3823份+测试1797份。我们使用数据集的方法是将一半的训练用于实际训练,四分之一用于验证,四分之一用于依赖作者的测试。测试集用于独立于作者的测试,是实际的质量度量。

属性数64输入+1类属性7。对于每个属性:所有输入属性都是0到16范围内的整数。最后一个属性是类代码0..9 8。缺少属性值无

内容转载自:Optical Recognition of Handwritten Digits

  1. 9. Class Distribution
  2. Class: No of examples in training set
  3. 0: 376
  4. 1: 389
  5. 2: 380
  6. 3: 389
  7. 4: 387
  8. 5: 376
  9. 6: 377
  10. 7: 387
  11. 8: 380
  12. 9: 382
  13. Class: No of examples in testing set
  14. 0: 178
  15. 1: 182
  16. 2: 177
  17. 3: 183
  18. 4: 181
  19. 5: 182
  20. 6: 181
  21. 7: 179
  22. 8: 174

Handwritten Digits数据集的安装



Handwritten Digits数据集的使用方法

  1. Two versions of this database available.
  2. 1) Preprocessed data can be found in optdigits.tra and optdigits.tes
  3. See optdigits.names for information regarding the preprocessing.
  4. 2) The original format of the data can be found in files prefixed with
  5. optdigits-orig.
  6. Cathy Blake
  7. Sept 3,1998


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