
巴山夜雨 2022-09-19 13:31:14 50940
分类专栏: 资讯



  1. from __future__ import print_function
  2. from distutils.ccompiler import new_compiler as _new_compiler
  3. from distutils.command.clean import clean, log
  4. from distutils.core import Command
  5. from distutils.dir_util import remove_tree
  6. from distutils.errors import DistutilsExecError
  7. from distutils.msvccompiler import MSVCCompiler
  8. from setuptools import setup, find_packages, Extension, Distribution
  9. from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext
  10. from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
  11. import argparse
  12. import errno
  13. import os
  14. import platform
  15. import re
  16. import shlex
  17. import sys
  18. We don't need six...
  19. PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3
  20. if PY3:
  21. from shlex import quote as shell_quote
  22. else:
  23. from pipes import quote as shell_quote
  24. try:
  25. This depends on _winreg, which is not availible on not-Windows.
  26. from distutils.msvc9compiler import MSVCCompiler as MSVC9Compiler
  27. except ImportError:
  28. MSVC9Compiler = None
  29. try:
  30. from distutils._msvccompiler import MSVCCompiler as MSVC14Compiler
  31. except ImportError:
  32. MSVC14Compiler = None
  33. try:
  34. from Cython import __version__ as cython_version
  35. from Cython.Build import cythonize
  36. except ImportError:
  37. cythonize = None
  38. else:
  39. We depend upon some features in Cython 0.27; reject older ones.
  40. if tuple(map(int, cython_version.split('.'))) < (0, 27):
  41. print("Cython {} is too old for PyAV; ignoring it.".format(cython_version))
  42. cythonize = None
  43. We will embed this metadata into the package so it can be recalled for debugging.
  44. version = open('VERSION.txt').read().strip()
  45. try:
  46. git_commit, _ = Popen(['git', 'describe', '--tags'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()
  47. except OSError:
  48. git_commit = None
  49. else:
  50. git_commit = git_commit.decode().strip()
  51. _cflag_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
  52. _cflag_parser.add_argument('-I', dest='include_dirs', action='append')
  53. _cflag_parser.add_argument('-L', dest='library_dirs', action='append')
  54. _cflag_parser.add_argument('-l', dest='libraries', action='append')
  55. _cflag_parser.add_argument('-D', dest='define_macros', action='append')
  56. _cflag_parser.add_argument('-R', dest='runtime_library_dirs', action='append')
  57. def parse_cflags(raw_cflags):
  58. raw_args = shlex.split(raw_cflags.strip())
  59. args, unknown = _cflag_parser.parse_known_args(raw_args)
  60. config = {k: v or [] for k, v in args.__dict__.items()}
  61. for i, x in enumerate(config['define_macros']):
  62. parts = x.split('=', 1)
  63. value = x[1] or None if len(x) == 2 else None
  64. config['define_macros'][i] = (parts[0], value)
  65. return config, ' '.join(shell_quote(x) for x in unknown)
  66. def get_library_config(name):
  67. """Get distutils-compatible extension extras for the given library.
  68. This requires ``pkg-config``.
  69. """
  70. try:
  71. proc = Popen(['pkg-config', '--cflags', '--libs', name], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
  72. except OSError:
  73. print('pkg-config is required for building PyAV')
  74. exit(1)
  75. raw_cflags, err = proc.communicate()
  76. if proc.wait():
  77. return
  78. known, unknown = parse_cflags(raw_cflags.decode('utf8'))
  79. if unknown:
  80. print("pkg-config returned flags we don't understand: {}".format(unknown))
  81. exit(1)
  82. return known
  83. def update_extend(dst, src):
  84. """Update the `dst` with the `src`, extending values where lists.
  85. Primiarily useful for integrating results from `get_library_config`.
  86. """
  87. for k, v in src.items():
  88. existing = dst.setdefault(k, [])
  89. for x in v:
  90. if x not in existing:
  91. existing.append(x)
  92. def unique_extend(a, *args):
  93. a[:] = list(set().union(a, *args))
  94. Obtain the ffmpeg dir from the "--ffmpeg-dir=<dir>" argument
  95. FFMPEG_DIR = None
  96. FFMPEG_DIR = 'D://Program Files//ffmpeg'
  97. for i, arg in enumerate(sys.argv):
  98. if arg.startswith('--ffmpeg-dir='):
  99. FFMPEG_DIR = arg.split('=')[1]
  100. break
  101. if FFMPEG_DIR is not None:
  102. delete the --ffmpeg-dir arg so that distutils does not see it
  103. del sys.argv[i]
  104. if not os.path.isdir(FFMPEG_DIR):
  105. print('The specified ffmpeg directory does not exist')
  106. exit(1)
  107. else:
  108. Check the environment variable FFMPEG_DIR
  109. FFMPEG_DIR = os.environ.get('FFMPEG_DIR')
  110. if FFMPEG_DIR is not None:
  111. if not os.path.isdir(FFMPEG_DIR):
  112. FFMPEG_DIR = None
  113. if FFMPEG_DIR is not None:
  114. ffmpeg_lib = os.path.join(FFMPEG_DIR, 'lib')
  115. ffmpeg_include = os.path.join(FFMPEG_DIR, 'include')
  116. if os.path.exists(ffmpeg_lib):
  117. ffmpeg_lib = [ffmpeg_lib]
  118. else:
  119. ffmpeg_lib = [FFMPEG_DIR]
  120. if os.path.exists(ffmpeg_include):
  121. ffmpeg_include = [ffmpeg_include]
  122. else:
  123. ffmpeg_include = [FFMPEG_DIR]
  124. else:
  125. ffmpeg_lib = []
  126. ffmpeg_include = []
  127. The "extras" to be supplied to every one of our modules.
  128. This is expanded heavily by the `config` command.
  129. extension_extra = {
  130. 'include_dirs': ['include'] + ffmpeg_include, The first are PyAV's includes.
  131. 'libraries' : [],
  132. 'library_dirs': ffmpeg_lib,
  133. }
  134. The macros which describe the current PyAV version.
  135. config_macros = {
  136. "PYAV_VERSION": version,
  137. "PYAV_VERSION_STR": '"%s"' % version,
  138. "PYAV_COMMIT_STR": '"%s"' % (git_commit or 'unknown-commit'),
  139. }
  140. def dump_config():
  141. """Print out all the config information we have so far (for debugging)."""
  142. print('PyAV:', version, git_commit or '(unknown commit)')
  143. print('Python:', sys.version.encode('unicode_escape' if PY3 else 'string-escape'))
  144. print('platform:', platform.platform())
  145. print('extension_extra:')
  146. for k, vs in extension_extra.items():
  147. print('\t%s: %s' % (k, [x.encode('utf8') for x in vs]))
  148. print('config_macros:')
  149. for x in sorted(config_macros.items()):
  150. print('\t%s=%s' % x)
  151. Monkey-patch for CCompiler to be silent.
  152. def _CCompiler_spawn_silent(cmd, dry_run=None):
  153. """Spawn a process, and eat the stdio."""
  154. proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
  155. out, err = proc.communicate()
  156. if proc.returncode:
  157. raise DistutilsExecError(err)
  158. def new_compiler(*args, **kwargs):
  159. """Create a C compiler.
  160. :param bool silent: Eat all stdio? Defaults to ``True``.
  161. All other arguments passed to ``distutils.ccompiler.new_compiler``.
  162. """
  163. make_silent = kwargs.pop('silent', True)
  164. cc = _new_compiler(*args, **kwargs)
  165. If MSVC10, initialize the compiler here and add /MANIFEST to linker flags.
  166. See Python issue 4431 (
  167. if is_msvc(cc):
  168. from distutils.msvc9compiler import get_build_version
  169. if get_build_version() == 10:
  170. cc.initialize()
  171. for ldflags in [cc.ldflags_shared, cc.ldflags_shared_debug]:
  172. unique_extend(ldflags, ['/MANIFEST'])
  173. If MSVC14, do not silence. As msvc14 requires some custom
  174. steps before the process is spawned, we can't monkey-patch this.
  175. elif get_build_version() == 14:
  176. make_silent = False
  177. monkey-patch compiler to suppress stdout and stderr.
  178. if make_silent:
  179. cc.spawn = _CCompiler_spawn_silent
  180. return cc
  181. _msvc_classes = tuple(filter(None, (MSVCCompiler, MSVC9Compiler, MSVC14Compiler)))
  182. def is_msvc(cc=None):
  183. cc = _new_compiler() if cc is None else cc
  184. return isinstance(cc, _msvc_classes)
  185. if == 'nt':
  186. if is_msvc():
  187. config_macros['inline'] = '__inline'
  188. Since we're shipping a self contained unit on Windows, we need to mark
  189. the package as such. On other systems, let it be universal.
  190. class BinaryDistribution(-title class_ inherited__">Distribution):
  191. def is_pure(self):
  192. return False
  193. distclass = BinaryDistribution
  194. else:
  195. Nothing to see here.
  196. distclass = Distribution
  197. Monkey-patch Cython to not overwrite embedded signatures.
  198. if cythonize:
  199. from Cython.Compiler.AutoDocTransforms import EmbedSignature
  200. old_embed_signature = EmbedSignature._embed_signature
  201. def new_embed_signature(self, sig, doc):
  202. Strip any `self` parameters from the front.
  203. sig = re.sub(r'\(self(,\s+)?', '(', sig)
  204. If they both start with the same signature; skip it.
  205. if sig and doc:
  206. new_name = sig.split('(')[0].strip()
  207. old_name = doc.split('(')[0].strip()
  208. if new_name == old_name:
  209. return doc
  210. if new_name.


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