
米哈游招聘 2022-09-19 11:16:03 51446
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contents={"name": ['Bob',        'LiSa',                     'Mary',                       'Alan'],
          "ID":   [1,              2,                            3,                            4],     输出 NaN
          "age":  [np.nan,        28,                           38 ,                          '' ],   输出 
        "born": [pd.NaT,     pd.Timestamp("1990-01-01"),  pd.Timestamp("1980-01-01"),        ''],     输出 NaT
          "sex":  ['男',          '女',                        '女',                        '男',],   输出 None
          "hobbey":['打篮球',     '打羽毛球',                   '打乒乓球',                    '',],   输出 
          "money":[200.0,                240.0,                   290.0,                     300.0],   输出
          "weight":[140.5,                120.8,                 169.4,                      155.6],   输出


  • (1)、指定一个包含数据集中所有实体的字典
  • (2)、指定实体间如何关联:当两个实体有一对多关系时,我们称之为“one”实体,即“parent entity”。
  • (3)、运行深度特征合成:DFS的最小输入是一组实体、一组关系和计算特性的“target_entity”。DFS的输出是一个特征矩阵和相应的特征定义列表。
  • (4)、改变目标的实体:DFS如此强大的原因之一是它可以为我们的数据中的任何实体创建一个特征矩阵。例如,如果我们想为会话构建特性
  • (5)、理解特征输出:一般来说,Featuretools通过特性名称引用生成的特性。
    为了让特性更容易理解,Featuretools提供了两个额外的工具,Featuretools .graph_feature()和Featuretools .describe_feature(),
  • (6)、特征谱系图
  • (7)、特征描述:功能工具还可以自动生成功能的英文句子描述。特性描述有助于解释什么是特性,并且可以通过包含手动定义的自定义来进一步改进。


  1. name ID age born sex hobbey money weight
  2. 0 Bob 1 NaN NaT 男 打篮球 200.0 140.5
  3. 1 LiSa 2 28 1990-01-01 女 打羽毛球 240.0 120.8
  4. 2 Mary 3 38 1980-01-01 女 打乒乓球 290.0 169.4
  5. 3 Alan 4 NaT 男 300.0 155.6
  6. -------------------------------------------
  7. nums_df:----------------------------------
  8. name ID age money weight
  9. 0 Bob 1 NaN 200.0 140.5
  10. 1 LiSa 2 28.0 240.0 120.8
  11. 2 Mary 3 38.0 290.0 169.4
  12. 3 Alan 4 NaN 300.0 155.6
  13. cats_df:----------------------------------
  14. ID hobbey sex born
  15. 0 4 NaN 男 NaN
  16. 1 1 打篮球 男 NaN
  17. 2 2 打羽毛球 女 1990-01-01
  18. ---------------------------------DFS设计:-----------------------------------
  19. feature_matrix_nums
  20. ID age money weight cats.hobbey cats.COUNT(nums) \
  21. name
  22. Bob 1 NaN 200.0 140.5 打篮球 男 1.0
  23. LiSa 2 28.0 240.0 120.8 打羽毛球 女 1.0
  24. Mary 3 38.0 290.0 169.4 NaN NaN NaN
  25. cats.MAX(nums.age) cats.MAX( cats.MAX(nums.weight) \
  26. name
  27. Bob NaN 200.0 140.5
  28. LiSa 28.0 240.0 120.8
  29. Mary NaN NaN NaN
  30. cats.MEAN(nums.age) cats.MEAN( cats.MEAN(nums.weight) \
  31. name
  32. Bob NaN 200.0 140.5
  33. LiSa 28.0 240.0 120.8
  34. Mary NaN NaN NaN
  35. cats.MIN(nums.age) cats.MIN( cats.MIN(nums.weight) \
  36. name
  37. Bob NaN 200.0 140.5
  38. LiSa 28.0 240.0 120.8
  39. Mary NaN NaN NaN
  40. cats.SKEW(nums.age) cats.SKEW( cats.SKEW(nums.weight) \
  41. name
  42. Bob NaN NaN NaN
  43. LiSa NaN NaN NaN
  44. Mary NaN NaN NaN
  45. cats.STD(nums.age) cats.STD( cats.STD(nums.weight) \
  46. name
  47. Bob NaN NaN NaN
  48. LiSa NaN NaN NaN
  49. Mary NaN NaN NaN
  50. cats.SUM(nums.age) cats.SUM( cats.SUM(nums.weight) \
  51. name
  52. Bob 0.0 200.0 140.5
  53. LiSa 28.0 240.0 120.8
  54. Mary NaN NaN NaN
  55. cats.DAY(born) cats.MONTH(born) cats.WEEKDAY(born) cats.YEAR(born)
  56. name
  57. Bob NaN NaN NaN NaN
  58. LiSa 1.0 1.0 0.0 1990.0
  59. Mary NaN NaN NaN NaN
  60. features_defs_nums: 29 [<Feature: ID>, <Feature: age>, <Feature: money>, <Feature: weight>, <Feature: cats.hobbey>, <Feature:>, <Feature: cats.COUNT(nums)>, <Feature: cats.MAX(nums.age)>, <Feature: cats.MAX(>, <Feature: cats.MAX(nums.weight)>, <Feature: cats.MEAN(nums.age)>, <Feature: cats.MEAN(>, <Feature: cats.MEAN(nums.weight)>, <Feature: cats.MIN(nums.age)>, <Feature: cats.MIN(>, <Feature: cats.MIN(nums.weight)>, <Feature: cats.SKEW(nums.age)>, <Feature: cats.SKEW(>, <Feature: cats.SKEW(nums.weight)>, <Feature: cats.STD(nums.age)>, <Feature: cats.STD(>, <Feature: cats.STD(nums.weight)>, <Feature: cats.SUM(nums.age)>, <Feature: cats.SUM(>, <Feature: cats.SUM(nums.weight)>, <Feature: cats.DAY(born)>, <Feature: cats.MONTH(born)>, <Feature: cats.WEEKDAY(born)>, <Feature: cats.YEAR(born)>]
  61. feature_matrix_cats_df
  62. hobbey sex COUNT(nums) MAX(nums.age) MAX( MAX(nums.weight) \
  63. ID
  64. 4 NaN 男 1 NaN 300.0 155.6
  65. 1 打篮球 男 1 NaN 200.0 140.5
  66. 2 打羽毛球 女 1 28.0 240.0 120.8
  67. MEAN(nums.age) MEAN( MEAN(nums.weight) MIN(nums.age) \
  68. ID
  69. 4 NaN 300.0 155.6 NaN
  70. 1 NaN 200.0 140.5 NaN
  71. 2 28.0 240.0 120.8 28.0
  72. MIN( MIN(nums.weight) SKEW(nums.age) SKEW( \
  73. ID
  74. 4 300.0 155.6 NaN NaN
  75. 1 200.0 140.5 NaN NaN
  76. 2 240.0 120.8 NaN NaN
  77. SKEW(nums.weight) STD(nums.age) STD( STD(nums.weight) \
  78. ID
  79. 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN
  80. 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN
  81. 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN
  82. SUM(nums.age) SUM( SUM(nums.weight) DAY(born) MONTH(born) \
  83. ID
  84. 4 0.0 300.0 155.6 NaN NaN
  85. 1 0.0 200.0 140.5 NaN NaN
  86. 2 28.0 240.0 120.8 1.0 1.0
  87. WEEKDAY(born) YEAR(born)
  88. ID
  89. 4 NaN NaN
  90. 1 NaN NaN
  91. 2 0.0 1990.0
  92. features_defs_cats_df: 25 [<Feature: hobbey>, <Feature: sex>, <Feature: COUNT(nums)>, <Feature: MAX(nums.age)>, <Feature: MAX(>, <Feature: MAX(nums.weight)>, <Feature: MEAN(nums.age)>, <Feature: MEAN(>, <Feature: MEAN(nums.weight)>, <Feature: MIN(nums.age)>, <Feature: MIN(>, <Feature: MIN(nums.weight)>, <Feature: SKEW(nums.age)>, <Feature: SKEW(>, <Feature: SKEW(nums.weight)>, <Feature: STD(nums.age)>, <Feature: STD(>, <Feature: STD(nums.weight)>, <Feature: SUM(nums.age)>, <Feature: SUM(>, <Feature: SUM(nums.weight)>, <Feature: DAY(born)>, <Feature: MONTH(born)>, <Feature: WEEKDAY(born)>, <Feature: YEAR(born)>]
  93. <Feature: SUM(nums.age)>
  94. The sum of the "age" of all instances of "nums" for each "ID" in "cats".


features_defs_cats_df: 25
[<Feature: hobbey>, <Feature: sex>, <Feature: COUNT(nums)>, <Feature: MAX(nums.age)>, <Feature: MAX(>, <Feature: MAX(nums.weight)>, <Feature: MEAN(nums.age)>, <Feature: MEAN(>, <Feature: MEAN(nums.weight)>, <Feature: MIN(nums.age)>, <Feature: MIN(>, <Feature: MIN(nums.weight)>, <Feature: SKEW(nums.age)>, <Feature: SKEW(>, <Feature: SKEW(nums.weight)>, <Feature: STD(nums.age)>, <Feature: STD(>, <Feature: STD(nums.weight)>, <Feature: SUM(nums.age)>, <Feature: SUM(>, <Feature: SUM(nums.weight)>, <Feature: DAY(born)>, <Feature: MONTH(born)>, <Feature: WEEKDAY(born)>, <Feature: YEAR(born)>]

4 1 300155.6 300155.6 300155.6      0300155.6    
1打篮球1 200140.5 200140.5 200140.5      0200140.5    
2打羽毛球128240120.828240120.828240120.8      28240120.81101990
4 1      
  300155.6 300155.6 300155.6
  200140.5 200140.5 200140.5


  1. <Feature: hobbey> : The "hobbey".
  2. <Feature: sex> : The "sex".
  3. <Feature: COUNT(nums)> : The number of all instances of "nums" for each "ID" in "cats".
  4. <Feature: MAX(nums.age)> : The maximum of the "age" of all instances of "nums" for each "ID" in "cats".
  5. <Feature: MAX(> : The maximum of the "money" of all instances of "nums" for each "ID" in "cats".
  6. <Feature: MAX(nums.weight)> : The maximum of the "weight" of all instances of "nums" for each "ID" in "cats".
  7. <Feature: MEAN(nums.age)> : The average of the "age" of all instances of "nums" for each "ID" in "cats".
  8. <Feature: MEAN(> : The average of the "money" of all instances of "nums" for each "ID" in "cats".
  9. <Feature: MEAN(nums.weight)> : The average of the "weight" of all instances of "nums" for each "ID" in "cats".
  10. <Feature: MIN(nums.age)> : The minimum of the "age" of all instances of "nums" for each "ID" in "cats".
  11. <Feature: MIN(> : The minimum of the "money" of all instances of "nums" for each "ID" in "cats".
  12. <Feature: MIN(nums.weight)> : The minimum of the "weight" of all instances of "nums" for each "ID" in "cats".
  13. <Feature: SKEW(nums.age)> : The skewness of the "age" of all instances of "nums" for each "ID" in "cats".
  14. <Feature: SKEW(> : The skewness of the "money" of all instances of "nums" for each "ID" in "cats".
  15. <Feature: SKEW(nums.weight)> : The skewness of the "weight" of all instances of "nums" for each "ID" in "cats".
  16. <Feature: STD(nums.age)> : The standard deviation of the "age" of all instances of "nums" for each "ID" in "cats".
  17. <Feature: STD(> : The standard deviation of the "money" of all instances of "nums" for each "ID" in "cats".
  18. <Feature: STD(nums.weight)> : The standard deviation of the "weight" of all instances of "nums" for each "ID" in "cats".
  19. <Feature: SUM(nums.age)> : The sum of the "age" of all instances of "nums" for each "ID" in "cats".
  20. <Feature: SUM(> : The sum of the "money" of all instances of "nums" for each "ID" in "cats".
  21. <Feature: SUM(nums.weight)> : The sum of the "weight" of all instances of "nums" for each "ID" in "cats".
  22. <Feature: DAY(born)> : The day of the month of the "born".
  23. <Feature: MONTH(born)> : The month of the "born".
  24. <Feature: WEEKDAY(born)> : The day of the week of the "born".
  25. <Feature: YEAR(born)> : The year of the "born".


features_defs_nums: 29
[<Feature: ID>, <Feature: age>, <Feature: money>, <Feature: weight>, <Feature: cats.hobbey>, <Feature:>, <Feature: cats.COUNT(nums)>, <Feature: cats.MAX(nums.age)>, <Feature: cats.MAX(>, <Feature: cats.MAX(nums.weight)>, <Feature: cats.MEAN(nums.age)>, <Feature: cats.MEAN(>, <Feature: cats.MEAN(nums.weight)>, <Feature: cats.MIN(nums.age)>, <Feature: cats.MIN(>, <Feature: cats.MIN(nums.weight)>, <Feature: cats.SKEW(nums.age)>, <Feature: cats.SKEW(>, <Feature: cats.SKEW(nums.weight)>, <Feature: cats.STD(nums.age)>, <Feature: cats.STD(>, <Feature: cats.STD(nums.weight)>, <Feature: cats.SUM(nums.age)>, <Feature: cats.SUM(>, <Feature: cats.SUM(nums.weight)>, <Feature: cats.DAY(born)>, <Feature: cats.MONTH(born)>, <Feature: cats.WEEKDAY(born)>, <Feature: cats.YEAR(born)>]



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