
Xx 2022-10-08 11:38:55 53082
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本帖最后由 笨鸟弟弟 于 2014-1-2 22:26 编辑

  1. !/usr/bin/python
  2. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

  4. Copyright (C) 2013 National University of Defense Technology(NUDT) & Kylin Ltd
  5. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  6. under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published
  7. by the Free Software Foundation.

  8. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  9. WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of
  11. PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

  12. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
  13. with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

  15. import apt
  16. import aptsources.sourceslist
  17. import apt.progress.base as apb
  18. import threading

  19. class FetchProcess(apb.AcquireProgress):
  20.     '''Fetch Process'''
  21.     def __init__(self, sudoDaemon):
  22.         apb.AcquireProgress.__init__(self)
  23.         self.sudoDaemon = sudoDaemon

  24.     def done(self, item):
  25.         print 'all items download finished'
  26.         self.sudoDaemon.software_fetch_signal("down_done", "")

  27.     def fail(self, item):
  28.         print 'download failed'
  29.         self.sudoDaemon.software_fetch_signal("down_fail", "")

  30.     def fetch(self, item):
  31.         print 'one item download finished'
  32.         self.sudoDaemon.software_fetch_signal("down_fetch", "")

  33.     def ims_hit(self, item):
  34.         print 'ims_hit'

  35.     def media_change(self, media, drive):
  36.         print 'media_change'

  37.     def pulse(self, owner):
  38.                  print 'owner: ', owner
  39.                  print 'bytes : ', self.current_bytes
  40.                  print '@@@@@@@@@@@@total : ', self.total_bytes
  41.                  print '%%%%%%%%%%%%item : ', self.current_items
  42.                  print '$$$$$$items : ', self.total_items
  43.                  print 'current_cps: ', self.current_cps
  44.                  print 'elapsed_time: ', self.elapsed_time
  45.                  print 'fetched_bytes: ', self.fetched_bytes
  46.                  print 'last_bytes: ', self.last_bytes
  47.         self.sudoDaemon.software_fetch_signal("down_pulse","download_bytes:" + str(self.current_bytes) + ",total_bytes:" + str(self.total_bytes) + ",download_items:" + str(self.current_items) + ",total_items:" + str(self.total_items))

  48.     def start(self):
  49.          Reset all our values.
  50.         self.current_bytes = 0.0
  51.         self.current_cps = 0.0
  52.         self.current_items = 0
  53.         self.elapsed_time = 0
  54.         self.fetched_bytes = 0.0
  55.         self.last_bytes = 0.0
  56.         self.total_bytes = 0.0
  57.         self.total_items = 0
  58.         print 'fetch progress start ...'
  59.         self.sudoDaemon.software_fetch_signal("down_start", "")

  60.     def stop(self):
  61.         print 'fetch progress stop ...'
  62.         self.sudoDaemon.software_fetch_signal("down_stop", "")

  63. class AptProcess(apb.InstallProgress):
  64.     '''Apt progress'''
  65.     def __init__(self, sudoDaemon):
  66.         apb.InstallProgress.__init__(self)
  67.         self.sudoDaemon = sudoDaemon

  68.     def conffile(self, current, new):
  69.         print 'there is a conffile question'

  70.     def error(self, pkg, errormsg):
  71.         self.sudoDaemon.software_apt_signal("apt_error", "")

  72.     def start_update(self):
  73.         print 'apt process start work'
  74.         self.sudoDaemon.software_apt_signal("apt_start", "")

  75.     def finish_update(self):
  76.         print 'apt process finished'
  77.         self.sudoDaemon.software_apt_signal("apt_stop", "")

  78.     def status_change(self, pkg, percent, status):
  79.         print str(int(percent)) + "%  status : " + status
  80.         self.sudoDaemon.software_apt_signal("apt_pulse", "percent:" + str(int(percent)) + ",status:" + status)

  81. class AptDaemon(threading.Thread):
  82. class AptDaemon():
  83.     def __init__(self, sudoDaemon):
  84.         threading.Thread.__init__(self)
  85.         self.sudoDaemon = sudoDaemon
  86.         self.ca = apt.Cache()
  87.         self.ca.open()
  88.                  self.pkgNameList = []
  89.                  for pkg in self.ca:
  90.                          self.pkgNameList.append(pkg.name)

  91.     apt-get update
  92.     def apt_get_update(self):
  93.         self.ca.update(fetch_progress=FetchProcess(self.sudoDaemon))

  94.     apt-get update
  95.     def apt_get_update(self):
  96.         threading.Thread(target=self.apt_get_update_thread, name='AptUpdate').start()

  97.     get package by pkgName
  98.     def get_pkg_by_name(self, pkgName):
  99.         try:
  100.             return self.ca[pkgName]
  101.         except Exception, e:
  102.             print e
  103.             return "ERROR"

  104.     install package
  105.     def install_pkg(self, pkgName):
  106.         self.ca.open()
  107.         pkg = self.get_pkg_by_name(pkgName)
  108.         pkg.mark_install()

  109.         try:
  110.             self.ca.commit(FetchProcess(self.sudoDaemon), AptProcess(self.sudoDaemon))
  111.         except Exception, e:
  112.             print e
  113.             print "install err"

  114.     install package
  115.     def install_pkg(self, pkgName):
  116.         threading.Thread(target=self.install_pkg_thread, args=(pkgName,), name='PkgInstall').start()

  117.     uninstall package
  118.     def uninstall_pkg(self, pkgName):
  119.         self.ca.open()
  120.         pkg = self.get_pkg_by_name(pkgName)
  121.         pkg.mark_delete()

  122.         try:
  123.             self.ca.commit(None, AptProcess(self.sudoDaemon))
  124.         except Exception, e:
  125.             print e
  126.             print "uninstall err"

  127.     uninstall package
  128.     def uninstall_pkg(self, pkgName):
  129.         threading.Thread(target=self.uninstall_pkg_thread, args=(pkgName,), name='PkgUninstall').start()

  130.     update package
  131.     def update_pkg(self, pkgName):
  132.         self.ca.open()
  133.         pkg = self.get_pkg_by_name(pkgName)
  134.         pkg.mark_upgrade()

  135.         try:
  136.             self.ca.commit(FetchProcess(self.sudoDaemon), AptProcess(self.sudoDaemon))
  137.         except Exception, e:
  138.             print e
  139.             print "update err"

  140.     update package
  141.     def update_pkg(self, pkgName):
  142.         threading.Thread(target=self.update_pkg_thread, args=(pkgName,), name='PkgUpgrade').start()

  143.     check package status by pkgName, i = installed u = can update n = notinstall
  144.     def check_pkg_status(self, pkgName):
  145.         self.ca.open()
  146.         pkg = self.get_pkg_by_name(pkgName)
  147.         if(pkg == "ERROR"):
  148.             return "ERROR"
  149.         if(pkg.is_installed):
  150.             if(pkg.is_upgradable):
  151.                 return "u"
  152.             else:
  153.                 return "i"
  154.         else:
  155.             return "n"

  156.     check packages status by pkgNameList, i = installed u = can update n = notinstall
  157.     def check_pkgs_status(self, pkgNameList):
  158.         self.ca.open()
  159.         pkgStatusDict = {}
  160.         for pkgName in pkgNameList:
  161.             pkg = self.get_pkg_by_name(pkgName)
  162.             if(pkg == "ERROR"):
  163.                 continue
  164.             if(pkg.is_installed):
  165.                 if(pkg.is_upgradable):
  166.                     pkgStatusDict[pkgName] = "u"
  167.                 else:
  168.                     pkgStatusDict[pkgName] = "i"
  169.             else:
  170.                 pkgStatusDict[pkgName] = "n"

  171.         return pkgStatusDict

  172.     check packages status by pkgNameList, i = installed u = can update n = notinstall
  173.     def check_pkgs_status_rtn_list(self, pkgNameList):
  174.         self.ca.open()
  175.         pkgStatusList = []
  176.         for pkgName in pkgNameList:
  177.             pkg = self.get_pkg_by_name(pkgName)
  178.             if(pkg == "ERROR"):
  179.                     continue
  180.             if(pkg.is_installed):
  181.                 if(pkg.is_upgradable):
  182.                     pkgStatusList.append(pkgName + ":u")
  183.                 else:
  184.                     pkgStatusList.append(pkgName + ":i")
  185.             else:
  186.                 pkgStatusList.append(pkgName + ":n")

  187.         self.sudoDaemon.software_check_status_signal(pkgStatusList)
  188.         return pkgStatusList

  189.     check packages status by pkgNameList, i = installed u = can update n = notinstall
  190.     def check_pkgs_status_rtn_list(self, pkgNameList):
  191.         threading.Thread(target=self.check_pkgs_status_rtn_list_thread, args=(pkgNameList,), name='PkgStatusList').start()

  192.          def get_pkgs_name_list(self):
  193.                  return self.pkgNameList

  194.          def search_pkgs_name(self, pkgName):
  195.                  if pkgName in self.pkgNameList:
  196.                          return pkgName
  197.                  else:
  198.                          rtns = []
  199.                          for name in self.pkgNameList:
  200.                                  if name.find(pkgName) >= 0:
  201.                                          rtns.append(name)
  202.                          return rtns

  203.     get all source item in /etc/apt/sources.list
  204.     def get_sources(self):
  205.         source = aptsources.sourceslist.SourcesList()
  206.         return source.list

  207.     add ubuntukylin source in /etc/apt/sources.list
  208.     def add_source_ubuntukylin(self):
  209.         source = aptsources.sourceslist.SourcesList()
  210.         for item in source.list:
  211.             if(item.str().find("deb http://archive.ubuntukylin.com/ubuntukylin") != -1):
  212.                 return

  213.         source.add("deb", "http://archive.ubuntukylin.com/ubuntukylin/", "raring main", "")
  214.         source.save()

  215.     remove ubuntukylin source in /etc/apt/sources.list
  216.     def remove_source_ubuntukylin(self):
  217.         source = aptsources.sourceslist.SourcesList()
  218.         sources = source.list
  219.         for item in sources:
  220.             if(item.str().find("deb http://archive.ubuntukylin.com/ubuntukylin") != -1):
  221.                 source.remove(item)
  222.         source.save()

  223. if __name__ == "__main__":
  224.     ad = AptDaemon(None)

  225.          print ad.check_pkgs_status(["gedit", "cairo-dock", "unity"])
  226.         print ad.check_pkgs_status_rtn_list(["gedit", "cairo-dock", "unity", "haha", "hehe"])
  227.          ad.apt_get_update()
  228.     ad.add_source_ubuntukylin()
  229.          ad.remove_source_ubuntukylin()

  230.     while True:
  231.         print "\ninput your command: "
  232.         cmd = raw_input()
  233.         if cmd == "l":
  234.             for name in ad.pkgNameList:
  235.                 print name + "\n"
  236.         elif cmd == "i":
  237.             print "input pkgName to install: "
  238.             pkgName = raw_input()
  239.             ad.install_pkg(pkgName)
  240.         elif cmd == "n":
  241.             print "input pkgName to uninstall: "
  242.             pkgName = raw_input()
  243.             ad.uninstall_pkg(pkgName)
  244.         elif cmd == "u":
  245.             print "input pkgName to update: "
  246.             pkgName = raw_input()
  247.             ad.update_pkg(pkgName)
  248.         elif cmd == "c":
  249.             print "input pkgName to check status: "
  250.             pkgName = raw_input()
  251.             print ad.check_pkg_status(pkgName)
  252.         else:
  253.             print "nothing..."

  254.          print ad.get_pkg_by_name('gedit')
  255.     pnl = ad.getpkglist()
  256.     print len(pnl)
  257.          name1 = ad.search_pkgs_name('wesnoth-1.10-core')
  258.          print name1
  259.     print 'aaa' + str(1)
  260.          ad.install_pkg(name1)
  261.          ad.uninstall_pkg(name1)
  262.     p = ad.get_pkg_by_name(name1)
  263.     print p.id
  264.     c = AptCache()
  265.     c.hahaha()
  266.     print c.hahaha()
  267.     pkgs = []
  268.     ca = apt.Cache()
  269.     i = 0
  270.     for a in ca:
  271.              i += 1
  272.              pkgs.append(a.name)
  273.              print a.name
  274.     print i
  275.     nanop = ca['nano']
  276.     print nanop
  277.     nanop.mark_install()
  278.     ca.commit()


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